Become a faith powerhouse and enforce Satan’s defeat in your life today!!
Your Faith in the Making: A 30 Day Devotional
God created you in His image, and He has a wonderful plan for you. This plan includes enforcing Satan’s defeat and walking in victory every day of your life.

Faith is not something you are striving to achieve, you already possess the measure of faith, and it is enough to enforce Satan’s defeat. As a child of God, you are everything that Jesus is. Since He is seated in the place of victory at the right hand of Father God in Christ Jesus, far above all powers and principalities and wickedness in high places, that is where you are seated also.
ABCs de Quien Soy: Decretando Quién Dice Dios Que Soy Yo (Spanish Edition)
by Lucia M Claborn, Ana E Gaeta, et al.
ABC's of Who I Am
by Lucia M Claborn and Donna L Ammons
ABC's de Quien Soy Dario: Decretando Quién Dice Dios Que Soy Yo
by Lucia M Claborn, Ana E Gaeta, et al.
English Collection - Signed with a Special Message from Lucia
Spanish Collection - Signed with a Special Message from Lucia